
Be Wise

Wisdom is not just a word to read and write. It is not just a word to describe someone's character. It is a compilation of learning, harwork, consostency,  integrity and determination. It not just word to make people look good. It takes time and needs a lot of energy to get that. It is not easy at all.  Sacrifice  is a must to reach that. 

My new tablet

My tablet can not receive the charging at all. No energy in its battery means it cannot be used.  I must buy a new one because I need it to help me to do my tasks. 

Mars SMP Negeri 33 Purworejo

  MARS SMPN 33 PURWOREJO Ciptaan: Dra. Ermin Setiyawati Hentakkan langkah kakimu Ayunkanlah kepal tanganmu Mari berpacu raih prestasi Dibawah panji SMP Negeri 33 Mandi prestasi itu semboyanku Iman dan taqwa adalah nafasku Disiplin itu lah kehidupanku Marilah hai Siswa dan Siswi Seiring sejalan melangkah kedepan Halang dan rintang ayo kita terjang Berjuang dalam kancah pendidikan

Perlombaan? Pentingkah? Perlukah?

     Sebagai manusia yang hidup di dunia bersama dengan manusia-manusia lainnya, sering timbul keinginan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan dan keunggulan masing-masing. Ada yang ingin menunjukkan suaranya indah dan merdu dengan menyanyi, ada yang ingin menunjukkan fisiknya yang aduhai dengan berlenggak lenggok di depan umum, ada yang ingin menunjukkan kemampuan berpikirnya dengan selalu berargumentasi dengan orang lain, dan lain sebagainya.       Begitu banyaknya keinginan manusia untuk menunjukkan siapa dirinya agar dikenal orang lain membuat orang-orang mengadakan perlombaan-perlombaan yang dianggap sebagai ajang untuk menilai siapa yang terbaik di bidang yang dilombakan. Adanya perlombaan menyanyi sebagai ajang mencari atau menunjukkan sìapa yang paling bagus dalam menyanyi. Lomba siswa beprestasi ditujukan untuk mencari siswa terbaik yang mempunyai prestasi paling baik. Lomba sepak bola juga demikian. Semua ajang perlombaan bertujuan untuk mencari atau menjadi sarana untuk menunjukkan si

I want you to be happy.

 I wanna ask you to live with me.  I wanna hold and hug you tightly. I wanna be your everything. I wanna love you forever. I may not be the best. I may not be your dream. I may not be your everything. But, I am your admirer. Let my love stay and live well. I can't force you to love me. I just want you to be happy Live well and joyfully always. Dien 04012022

Do what is right, no matter what.

Do what is right, no matter what. It is not easy, of course. It also takes a lot of courage to do that. People will always critize whatever we do. It is not their responsibility to make us happy. It's our responsibilty to make ourselves happy. It's our life that we must fill with right useful good things. No matter what the circumstances are. If we always think about other opinions. We are their prisoners. Let us free so we can fly to the sky. We can do what we want to do freely. We must know what we want. Why we live in this world. Living in the world is just in a short time. Like passing through a bridge on the way home. Make it simple and nice. Be useful, grateful, wonderful, and helpful. Let others have their own journey. We have our own journey. Make our journey as amazing as possible. By doing useful and helpful things for other God creatures. We must be proud of what we do. Coz being alive is the most precious thing we have.  Dien 03012022

I wanna be your everything.

 If you are with me here, I will hug you tightly. I wanna be with you through all the sadness and happiness. I wanna be your eyes when you are sleepy. I wanna be your feet when you are tired.  I wanna be with you, no matter what. You are the sun of my life. You are my everything. I also wanna be your everything. Dien 03012022